The great gatsby is a romantic drama film co-written and directed by Baz Lurhmann. This movie is full of adventurous suspense and fantasy movie between Nick carraway is the narrator of the movie.
Here are some of the quizzes based on the great gatsby chapter 7 quiz are given below also below questions the great gatsby chapter 7 quiz answers are also provided in yellow color.
The great gatsby quiz chapter 7 with answers
1. Why does nick takes the train to the house of tom and daisy?
a) for breakfast
b) for dinner
c) for lunch
d) None of the above
2. Tom seizes upon Daisy’s suggestion that they should all go to _____ together
a) England
b) Newyork
c) Britain
d) America
3. In Newyork city where the group decided to stay?
a) Restaurants
b) malls
c) Plaza Hotel
d) aunts house
4. How many months the gatsby attend the oxford army program?
a) one year
b) five months
c) four months
d) one month
5. where do Nick, Jordan, and Tom find that someone has been struck in an automobile?
a) In the valley
b) In the mountain
c) In the House
d) In the water
6. As the row quiets down, Nick realizes that it is his ______ birthday.
a) twenty-first
b) twentieth
c) thirtieth
d) fortieth
7. Where was Nick, Tom, and Jordan driving back?
a) long Island
b) lost Island
c) Newyork
d) East Egg
8. Who was the owner of the restaurant?
a) Nick
b) Michaelis
c) tom
d) Jordan
9. The Michaelis restaurant was next to?
a) Gatsby Mansion
b) Wilson's garage
c) Hotel plaza
d) Daisy House
10. Nick waits outside and finds Gatsby hiding in the ______
a) Car
b) box
c) house
d) bushes
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